Summer time........

A post after a long time...
I know its summer time..heat waves arent a new stuff to ppl in chennai. These days you could find no house witout aircons...My dad wanted to put aircon in my room, i strictly objected to it. Two reasons, electricity bills and rate of emmission. Aircons are needed in houses where you dont have proper ventilation. How did we manage ten years before?Aircons were a matter of luxury those days and it is well known tat only rich people were entitled. Now, it has become a necessity and yet i manage witout it because, my house is blessed wit a park close by.

Am one way glad tat am managing this summer witout aircon and reducing emmissions. It is not only wit respect to emmission, am saving a lot on electricity. Aircon is must if it is really intolerable. Else, chuck it. You can manage witout it.


Anonymous said...

Precisely! I just came back from a holiday back home in Chennai..and given that I haven't been there for like 3 years, and having spent all my time in cooler countries around the world, I was wondering how I would survive. But I did! I did manage to live without the aircon (my parents asked me to sleep in the only bedroom at home where they had an aircon, but I refused - partly because of the reasons you had mentioned as well, and also because my parents who are old now, need it more than me. For them tolerating the chennai heat is almost impossible.). So yeah, we humans can manage to pass the summer without aircon if only we did the simple things like drinking lots of water, coconut water, fruit juices, and shading ourself as much as possible. These things are cheaper, easy on the environment, good for health, and its anyway a lovely experience to have a coconut water, under a shady tree with a group of friends chatting about the many useful and useless things in life! ;-) :-) Cheers.

Deep(a) Insights said...

ya...tender coconut is really the best drink in the whole world...i really love it.instead of wasting money on coke and pepsi, i would rather drink tender coconut.Butter milk is another good option...summer is tat bad this time coz of copious rainfall.